Wow vanilla call of fire
Wow vanilla call of fire

wow vanilla call of fire

This guide has only been in my head, until now. As I played through the game the first time I constantly pressed "M" key to see the map to see where I was, so I can memorize the game world and where everything is at exactly (heck I still do that now!). And the first time I went through the game I read EVERY quest description and took my time REAL slowly, learning everything I can about the game, I tried every profession, I did every instance like at least 5 times, and (with my dedication) I studied websites on every instance, about the loot from the mobs, all the quests for them, and the correct way to do each one. How did I find out about all the quests? Easy, websites such as and show you EVERY quest in the game, and give huge amounts of detail about where all the quest mobs/items are at, and how much the XP reward is for it and everything. The first time I went through the game, I attempted virtually EVERY quest, by doing this I learned what quests are worth doing, and which quests should be avoided (because some quests are not good enough for the time/XP reward, and some quests are just down right too hard to solo at certain levels. Before I get started on my leveling pattern, I'm gonna start to say how I came up with my pattern. And also, I mainly solo the whole game, when I'm playing on new servers, I can't group with anybody cause I'm always like 10 levels above everybody else, so I have to solo everything, but I will also explain stuff you can do with groups. This is what I do to level, I do some stuff that some of you may think like, "what?, what about Hillsbrad?", yes I skip most of Hillsbrad, but this is just part of how I level. Hello Everyone, i would like to show you a Guide, 1-60 Vanilla 4 days /played if u follow this guide.

Wow vanilla call of fire